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The Anglican Parish of Waterloo Bay encourages all members of the church to be actively involved in activities outside of the regular Worship Services. By doing so, it provides a means for people to; support one another, build deeper friendships, provide times of sharing great joy, study biblical principles, deepen their spirituality; and share their stories.

If you would like to join a group please contact us.


Faith Fellowship Group (FFG)


2:00 pm

Faith Fellowship Logo.jpg

Faith Fellowship meets Tuesdays at 2pm for an hour and a half to two hours except the first Tuesday of the month when we defer to Grace Group.

Grace Group

1st Tuesday of the month

2:00 pm


The Grace Group meets at 2:00pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Lyn’s and is studying Word for Today. This is a booklet of short daily Bible readings with discussion starters and suggested additional readings.

PraySchool Home Group


7:30pm to 9:00pm


Meeting at 7:15pm on a Wednesday at alternate homes of those who are happy to host. Commencing with refreshments, the group studies: a study series, the Gospel for the coming week, watch and discuss Christian videos, or some other topic and shares insights.



7:00pm to 9:00pm


Seekers meets on Thurdays at 7.30pm in a member's home is a friendly and supportive home group. We meet together to have a cuppa, share our joys and difficulties, study God’s word and pray together.

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