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What does our Logo mean?

The logo was designed to coincide with the name-change from the Parish of Birkdale to the Anglican Parish of Waterloo Bay. The name was chosen as it was seen as inclusive and reflected the fact that both St George’s Birkdale and St James’ Wellington Point are situated on the mainland that encompassed Waterloo Bay.


The design of the logo contains a number of elements, some of which act as a dual function.


The colours were selected to compliment that of the Anglican Church of Australia Logo of blue, red and white.


The blue area of the logo represents the waters of Waterloo Bay which wash the banks of Mooroondu Point at Thorneside; represented by the point on the left of the logo and Wellington Point; represented by the roundabout on the right hand side.


The red cross represents the position of St George’s church at Birkdale whilst the white cross that of St James’ Wellington Point.


The red “land” is representative of the fact that we form a part of the Redlands whilst the white “beaches” reflect the littoral area.


Within the Wellington Point “roundabout” the golden sun reflects that we are a part of the Sunshine State.


In parallel to this symbology is the red fish hook, reminding all Christians of Jesus’ call to the fisherman Peter on the shore of the Sea of Galilee when he said “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt 4:19). His call to us has not changed.


When the logo was being designed, comment was sought from an external source as to what they saw in the logo. The initial answer was “an embryo.” This is very fitting as a parish, where parishioners grow from “babes in the faith” to mature Christians able to “give birth” to new Christians.


As with many logos, people read into them what they will. It is our hope and prayer that whatever image the logo may present to you, it reflects God’s love and peace.


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